Greetings from me.. How are you guys? I hope all of you got a little things which make you happy.

When you are reading you don’t have to read everything with the same amount of care and attention. Sometimes you need to be able to read a text very quickly. For example, if you are look for word “quantity” in the dictionary you wouldn’t start at the first letter. The easier way is to turn the letter Q and then find the words. This methods of reading called scanning. Scanning is sweeping your eyes over part of a text to fins specific pieces of information.


Topic:             Scanning Reading Skill.
Main Idea:    The easier ways to get the specific information from a paragraph.

   Signal words and explanations:

First > after gaining an overview and skimming, identify the section(s) of the text that you probably need to read.
Second > start scanning the text by allowing your eyes (or finger) to move quickly over a page.
After that > as soon as your eye catches an important word or phrase, stop reading.
Last > when you know the location of information requiring attention, you then slow down to read the relevant section more thoroughly.

        We all know, sometimes reading is a boring occupation. But as a student, reading is a must to raise our knowledge. Moreover when the lecture gives us a long paragraph and we need to answer a questions based on them. Definitely we must to read the passage to get main idea so we could answer the questions. First we settled up the section of the text that we want to search. It it number, key terms, or maybe phrases. The fastest way to identify what are we need is read the questions, and then determine what is the questions needed. 

        Second, after gaining the facts that we need, start scanning the text by allowing your eyes to move quickly over a page. We just need to focused on what we were looking for. For example, if we search for a year when someone was born, so just find the number, and ignored another information which not related. In this step we need to focused with high concentration. Let your eyes float rapidly down the page until you find the word or phrase you want.

         After your eye catches one of your keywords, read the surrounding material carefully. Keep on your mind that information. And last but not least, we read the text slow down to get the relevant section more thoroughly.

Scanning is a technique that requires concentration and can be surprisingly tiring. You may have to practice at not allowing your attention to wander. Choose a time and place that you know works for you and dive in.

Now, you guys already know about scanning steps yaa. I hope this information may help you to find a certain facts in a certain passages.
I think, it’s enough for today, thanks for reading and visited my blog guys. I really expected that you all will confer some words or advices in comment section below.



  1. For me, how good you are in explain it
    But, in the last paragraph, you used "yaa". Using "yaa", it's just like there was a white paper, but in the corner of the paper, there was a black dot . So, don't use it . Thank you

    1. I'm so sorry for the inconvience ya Indra.. and thanks for your advices..

  2. Great article and very interesting, Good job auraa👍👍

  3. U have a good opening and interesting article also, but be careful later because there are typos I see, keeping up!

  4. Your tips is very details au, that make me easy to understand. Keep your best au!

  5. Wahhh its very helpful for me Aura, thanks for your tips yaaa😄 Niceee Auraaa👍👍


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