Image result for plastic waste in the ocean cartoon

Hello. I hope you guys always in a good condition. Okay, today I would like to share some information about water plastic in Indonesian’s ocean.

Outline : 
               Problems : 

1. How many problems are discussed? 3
2. What are they?
 #  Demising several animals caused by consuming plastic waste.
 #  Un-pleasant smell from the ocean.
 #  Decreasing acquisition for fisherman and get in touch for the price of fishes.
3. What expression are used to introduce the problems?
 # The most problem is about…
 # Another problem is…
 # Last but not least…
4 .How are the problems illustrated further?
 # For example, we heard about…
 # Like at…
5. What results are discussed for each problem?
 # The government must interfere to make a beneficial-regulations wisely for our environment particular for the ocean.
 # Some of company and traditional market could have a regulations about decreasing utilizing a plastic for every purchasing.

Solutions :

1        How many solutions are given? 3
2        What are they ?
a.      the government must interfere to make a beneficial-regulations wisely.
b.      inhabitants must espouse what the government commands are.
c.       company and traditional market could have a regulations about d   decreasing utilizing plastic for every purchases.
3        What three different groups of people does the writer say are responsible for these solutions?
a.      Government
b.      Inhabitants
c.      Company and traditional market
4        How would the solutions be implemented?
a.       Reduce utilizing a plastic by using a tote bag or reusable bag. And stop littering to the ocean surface.
5        What the modal verb structured is used to make the suggestion?
a.       Must

b.      Need to
In this modern era, a set of problems about plastic waste in the sea has been viral in the society circle. It’s volume become excessively and day by day keep increasing quickly. We need to keep an eye to our beloved country. Ya, Indonesia has a lot of matter related to this problems. Several plastic non-useable which scattered in the sea and disturbing the living things on it. 

This turtle lost his oppurtunities for life because our un-responsibility.

The most problem has been talked for a years is about demising several animals caused by consuming plastic waste. It was so apprehensively for several people who has a big awareness for our ocean. For example, we heard about the death of a turtle because they ate plastic waste at Kepulauan Seribu. Actually it was so horrifying. Another problem is un-convenient for holiday places. Yeah, as we know ocean and it’s coast invited everyone to have an family or holiday time. But, it’ll has a different sensation if the sand has an unpleasant smell, it would make our holiday become nasty. This caused by so many people put plastic to the ocean or to the coast without responsibility. Like at Ancol Beach. In there we could see any kind of plastic waste which spreading in that coast. Last but not least put plastic waste to the ocean decreasing acquisition for fisherman and get in touch for the price of fishes. If we throw plastic waste into the ocean, it would make any kind of fishes died apparently so the prices will be greater.

Some action could be such a solutions. Literally, the government must interfere to make a beneficial-regulations wisely for our environment particular for the ocean. Like for those who throw or put any kind of plastic to the surface of ocean wil be fined. And they need to assure those regulations will be submissived by the society. And also, inhabitants must espouse what the government commands are. Some of company and traditional market could have a regulations about decreasing utilizing plastic for every purchases. Likely, this adjustment would give a big responsibility for society to always bring their totebag or reusable-bag for the baggage. And the plastic waste will be allayed slowly.

After we know about several problems caused by plastic, now we understand how dangerous if we use plastic everytime for a long-term impact. Some of us know and agreed that plastic is necessary things in our life. But, so many invention and research that showed us another material which has similar purpose with plastic and has lower dangerous-impact. Most of all, all we need to do is to maintain the utilizing of plastic so we can help our environment still recovered. 

That's all from me now, please give me some feedbaack for my better blog. Do not be hesitate to comment or give some advices about my grammar or my vocabulary.  I hope this information would useful for all of you guys. 



  1. Hi Aura nice to read your article :). Anyway on sentence "Actually it was so horrified." the word horrified should be written as "horrifying" because it act as adj, not verb.

  2. Haii Auraaa, Oh my God.. I like your article.. Niceee AuraaaaπŸ‘

  3. Hi auraa, you article is interesting. Keep writing sist good jobbπŸ‘πŸ‘

  4. Great and interesting article it 😊

  5. You used good vocabulary custom, and it's great. Keep improving

  6. Waw that's good article Aura...good job πŸ‘πŸ’ƒ


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