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Today, I would like to share about my reading activity. So, let’s go!

Image result for stories for rainy days
Stories for Rainy Days by Naela Ali
Do I enjoy reading?
Absolutely I can’t stop reading everyday. Actually, reading is one of my hobby too. HEHE. Sometimes I read something, like a newspaper, magazine or encyclopedia I always enjoyed it. By reading we could open a lot of knowledge around us.

What is the last book I read? And did I like it?
The last book I read was “Stories for Rainy Days” by Naela Ali. I’d love Naela because she had a good writing with a touching words. This book was mesmerised me all the time when I read it. Besides that, this book has a beautiful stunning appearances. So it makes the readers interested.

Do I usually read for leisure or for purpose?
‘Cause I often to read some books, articles or magazines. I think i’ve got new information from reading. And ya, if I had a free time, while I’m waiting for a class, sometimes I spent it to read my subject book. For example, today I have calculus class, so I will read the main idea of today’s topic. And if I get bored, I will take a novel and read it.

What kind of book did I like reading when I was child?
When I was a kid, my mom bought me a set of knowledge books which contains 3 books. First is a book about “ What are In My Room?”. I read that book almost three times a day. Second book was about “Animals Around Us”. I’m so thankful to my mom, that had bought those books for me, so I got the knowledge earlier hehe. The last book was about “What are In The Universe”. This book explained about a stars, a galaxy, how can an eclipse occurs and etc. While I bribed by my grandma or my mom, I read those books one by one.

Describe Your Favorite Book


1        What is the name of the book?
2        When did I read it?
3        Tell about the book briefly.

Image result for THE LAST CROWD
 The Last Crowd By Okka Madasari 
The title of my favorite book is “THE LAST CROWD” written by Okky Madasari. This book was bought by my mom for my birthday gift around 2 years ago. I really enjoyed when I read this book.
The last time I read this book was last week. Occasionally I read it when I miss my parents and the sweety-words of this books can cured my yearning about them.
This book is a story about human ability to survive in their universe. A story of human confusion in the midst of a fast-changing digital era. This book tried to convinced about how hard our parents protect ourselves when we were a kid. There were a young boy named Jayanegara with his family. The boy was so naughty to his parents, wantonnes and is an ordinary man whose life reflects the lives of modern people who are way too connected to technology. That’s why slighty people who wants to make a friend with him. And one day, he met with Maera. She changes Jaya’s bad habit who also drunk and didn’t respect his parents even his family. She aligned his mind set about his life properly. Formely he always has a contra opinion with his father and to discharges his anger by left and went to some places. He always did that. So, Maera was a hard-worker woman who respects this life wants to makes his life better. This book has a good and memorable messages for us who wants to live farsighted and happily.

Oke guys, I think that's all about my favorite book. It's freely for you to give me some cooments contains my grammar, or vocabulary. I'll be waiting ya..



  1. Wow you read interesting book, once I saw it I was so curious to know more. Great

  2. you've read a great book since you were a child's really good article Ra, I enjoyed reading it

  3. That's great article Aura…good job ๐Ÿ‘

  4. Wow, I don't think that you like reading
    But, you have a good book to be read
    May be, I will read it too
    And, your blog is good. I enjoy read it
    Keep writing Aura

  5. You already have a good writing Aura!

  6. great job, Ra! I really enjoy reading your writing.. keep it up!

  7. Good job auraa๐Ÿ‘. I enjoyy read it, keep writing๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘Œ

  8. I saw naela's above hahaha I following her on ig btw, she is good at painting also...great job aura, keep writing!

  9. Hi ra! I enjoy read your article. And from your description I think The Last Crowd is a recommended book to read. Anyway in sentence "I’d love Naela because" I don't think you have to put the " 'd " here. Love your blog ๐Ÿ’•

  10. good job raa. u make it aw aw awesomeee


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