
Showing posts from October, 2018


Hello everyone!!Nice to have you read my blog again :))) Today i would like to share a video about my interview and my shortspeech about my favorite teacher.. Hope you enjoy guys. Don't be hesitated to leave a comments yaa ;)) LOVELY PERSON :))


HELLO BUDDY Welcome back to my blog!! Hope you guys always in a good  feeling yaaa . So today I would like to share about my favorite teacher who influenced me well. Without furtheradu, let’s start it. First, I will divide my story into 3 part which are: 1.  When and where you met this teacher? 2.  Who the teacher was and the subject she taught? 3.  Why this teacher’s lessons were special, and how she influenced you ? Lovely teacher In my opinion, every students has their own favorite teacher. They considered it by his/her attitude, talent or their stunning appearances. Like me, I have a lovely teacher from my senior high school. Her name is Ms.Senny. I met her for the first time when I was first level at senior high school. She taught for math. She wearing a long hijab which people usually caled as “syar’i”. In my sight she was an independent woman, beautiful and caring. Beautiful means that she has a good heart and has a good looking too. As far as I know h


HOLLA EVERYONE :)) I will share my interview section about "my reading activity". Actually I've share about this topic in the previous post. Please do not scrupled to give  me some advices for my better blog. LOVELY PERSON :)))


HALOOOOO THERE!!  Welcome back to my blog! Today, I would like to share about my reading activity. So, let’s go! Stories for Rainy Days by Naela Ali Do I enjoy reading? Absolutely I can’t stop reading everyday. Actually, reading is one of my hobby too. HEHE. Sometimes I read something, like a newspaper, magazine or encyclopedia I always enjoyed it. By reading we could open a lot of knowledge around us. What is the last book I read? And did I like it? The last book I read was “Stories for Rainy Days” by Naela Ali. I’d love Naela because she had a good writing with a touching words. This book was mesmerised me all the time when I read it. Besides that, this book has a beautiful stunning appearances. So it makes the readers interested. Do I usually read for leisure or for purpose? ‘Cause I often to read some books, articles or magazines. I think i’ve got new information from reading. And ya, if I had a free time, while I’m waiting for a class, sometimes


HOLAAA! WELCOME BACK TO MY BLOG Now, i would like to share a video about 'what usually i do at the weekend' Do not hesitate to give some advices for my grammar eventhough my vocabulary in comment section below. Have a nice day guys!! WARM HUG ;)))